Simplex_frequencies_d_04-06-20 Rigional_check_list_b Cls-logo-new-solo-120h_a Hamcity1 Avc1_a A1-1_b Happy_body_shop_1 Arrl1_a


제목: 73 88 and 44...

작성자: K6CYB
Updated on 09/16/2019

몃칠전 HF 에서 들린 소리 73 and 44.

44 가 뭔지 찾아보니 talk to you again.

신기한 숫자들이 만이있네요....



1 Wait a moment
2 Important Business
3 What time is it?
4 Where shall I go ahead?
5 Have you business for me?
6 I am ready
7 Are you ready?
8 Close your key; circuit is busy
9 Close your key for priority business (Wire chief, dispatcher, etc)
10 Keep this circuit closed
12 Do you understand?
13 I understand
14 What is the weather?
15 For you and other to copy
17 Lightning here
18 What is the trouble?
19 Form 19 train order
21 Stop for a meal
22 Wire test
23 All copy
24 Repeat this back
25 Busy on another wire
26 Put on ground wire
27 Priority, very important
28 Do you get my writing?
29 Private, deliver in sealed envelope
30 No more (end)
31 Form 31 train order
32 I understand that I am to ...
33 Car report (Also, answer is paid for)
34 Message for all officers
35 You may use my signal to answer this
37 Diversion (Also, inform all interested)
39 Important, with priority on thru wire (Also, sleep-car report)
44 Answer promptly by wire
73 Best regards
88 Love and kisses
91 Superintendent's signal
92 Deliver promptly
93 Vice President and General Manager's signals
95 President's signal
134 Who is at the key?













와우 ~~ 멋지네여..새로운걸 알았어요...감사합니다.. 췩~~ 오 !!!....낼바여.. ㅎ

 09/16/2019 23:51 Delete

공부 많이 하신겄 같고, 관심이 많으신것 같읍니다.
참고로, 73 & 30 는 아직도 아마튜어 에서는 사용하고 있느데,
88 은 사용하지 마십시요.

 09/19/2019 06:40 Delete

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