2018 KARA Field Day
일시: 2018년 6월 8일(오후 2시)-10일 오전 10시
(Chilao Group Camp Ground ,Angeles National Forest)
회비: 개인당 10불, 가족당 20불
준비물 :
1박 2일에 필요한 개인 Camping 장비및 무선 장비
(무전기,텐트, 침낭, 음식, 식수, 음료수, 주류, 장작, 의자, 렌턴 등등...)
Location: From Interstate 210 in the city of La Canada, exit at Angeles Crest Highway (Hwy 2) and drive northeast for 26 miles to the signed campground on the left. Call (818) 899-1900 for current conditions and additional information.
Chilao Campground 정보:
Contact Frequency : 448.580 KARA Repeater
or 146.535 Simplex
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