I am trying to learn how to use the DMR radio.
I already program the radio with codeplug from PAPA sytems network.
I am hearing the DMR signal is fine but when I transmit I can't reach any one
Do I need to register with BrandMeister?
DMR USER Registration Website: https://www.dmr-marc.net/cgi-bin/trbo-database/userreg.cgi
DMR 개국을 축하합니다! codeplug을 조금 개조하쎠서 Talkgroup 45004을 입력하면 많은 한국분을 만나실수가 있습니다. 그리고, 이 링크를 방문 하시면 누구나 수신할수 있습니다. https://hose.brandmeister.network/45004/
Thank you for the information regarding DMR radio. it was big help.
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